There are many types of neuropathic pain, and some treatments are directed at specific types. For example a sympathetic block may work best with CRPS or Post stroke pain. Your provider will work with you to determine the best approach for your type of pain.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Central Pain Syndromes

There are several types of pain that happen because the wires in our bodies and brain get crossed. Examples include by stroke, multiple sclerosis, tumors, epilepsy, brain or spinal cord trauma, chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS I/II) or Parkinson’s disease.

What Are the Symptoms of Central Pain Syndrome?

Central pain syndrome is characterized by a mixture of pain sensations, the most prominent being a constant burning. The steady burning sensation is sometimes increased by light touch. Pain also increases in the presence of temperature changes, most often cold temperatures. A loss of sensation can occur in affected areas, most prominently on distant parts of the body, such as the hands and feet. There may be brief, intolerable bursts of sharp pain on occasion.

Phantom Limb Pain


Certain medications can help with central pain, antidepressants can change how the pain signal is sent. Seizure medications can also decrease the pain signals. Anti-inflammatories can be beneficial as well various pain specific medicines.

Lumbar Sympathetic Block

We use this block for neuropathic pain in your lower legs. It can re-set the abnormal signaling in your central nervous system and help with central pain. It requires repeat injections over a period of time and works best if done early in the course of an injury.

Wireless Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

This procedure may be helpful for pain syndromes affecting only a part of the body. Chronic regional pain syndrome, peripheral neuropathy and phantom limb pain patients may find benefit with this therapy.

Medication Options